"The man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them."
-Mark Twain

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Wow! I loved this story! The title really explains it all. I found it rather a coincidence that her friend's cousin's husband had an affair, but then there was Miranda participating in an affair with some lady's husband, Dev. Hypocrite?.. Maybe. I really liked the relationship between Dev and Miranda but the whole time the fact that he had a wife lingered in the back of my mind. He treated Miranda so well. "Dev was the first always to pay for things, and how doors open, and reach across a table in a restaurant to kiss her hand." He seems like a true gentleman until you realize well he has a wife already so now he becomes a scumbag. I think Miranda starts to realize that she wants to be with someone she can tell other people about. “Miranda began to wish that there was a picture of her and Dev tacked to the inside of her cubicle, like the one of Laxmi and her husband in front of the Taj Mahal.” Miranda was basically living the life with Dev with all of there excursions and they seemed to get a long so well. You can sense the sexual attraction between Dev and Miranda but at the end of the day she is just #2. I think Miranda feeds into Dev’s lines because he called her sexy, and this made Miranda feel empowered in a way. When Miranda went to a great deal of effort to get a few sexy things to wear, Dev didn’t even notice what she was wearing when he came over. Miranda ultimately creates an imaginary relationship with him that occurs only on Sundays, but she seems him as perfect. Finally when the young boy Robhin tells her she is sexy she then realizes what Dev and her have going on is wrong but she still longs for him. In the end I was quite disappointed when she said she would see him again but then as time went on they couldn’t make it work to meet and I think finally she could move on.


  1. cheating on someone (or with someone) does NOT truly make one feel sexy! That is the irony of this story. In the end, Miranda doe NOT feel sexy. Dev is a douche bag for cheating on his wife and Miranda is kind of a whore for messing around with married man. Sorry to be so blunt, but this story just ticks me off.

  2. I agree with Monica. In the end of the story, she only felt used and felt like Dev's fun in the city when it was at his beck and call. He never cared for her at all.
